
How to Protect Your Skin During the Winter

Precious Ade

take care of the your skin in winter

Winter is one season of the year that comes with many reasons to be thankful for. The winter period ushers in the holiday season-- from Christmas to Kwanza to Hannukah-- and a lot of people begin to prepare for the new year and the opportunities that come with it. 

Despite the excitement that comes with this season, a common characteristic of this time that gets many people worried is the dry wind and the cold weather. 

Aside from the difficulty one experiences when breathing in extremely cold temperatures, one major concern is how to take care of your skin during winter. There are various skin care tips and skincare routines to help you. 

We have compiled a list of the best skincare routines and tips for the winter season:

1.  Drink A Lot of Water

Drinking a lot of water has been recognized as an effective skincare routine. During wintertime, a lot of people generally reduce the amount of water they drink. 

This is because the weather is already cold and often, people don’t feel thirsty. But you must stay hydrated for the rest of the year – both in wintertime and summertime. 

It has been reported that dehydration occurs more in the wintertime even though people sweat less in this season; this is because the low humidity strips the skin of its moisture. 

When the body is not properly hydrated, the skin eventually dries up. You can set up timers on your phones to remind you that you need to drink water to keep the body hydrated.

2.  Regularly Exfoliate Your Skin

Another beneficial winter skincare routine that is guaranteed to protect your skin during this season is a regular exfoliation using a good exfoliant. Exfoliation helps to take out dead cells from the skin, soothe the skin, and stimulate the regeneration of new ones. 

The winter period makes the skin dry, making it difficult for it to absorb moisture and other essential nutrients. Exfoliating the skin with natural exfoliants like a honey and salt scrub or an olive oil and orange essential oil scrub is a foolproof method to take care of your skin naturally in the winter. A diligent exfoliation will take off dry skin cells and leave your body with fresh and glowing skin.

3.  Apply an Oil-Based Moisturizer

You must select a good moisturizer during winter, and this should be applied immediately after washing up. Using an oil-based moisturizer like this Hempseed Body Butter is one of the winter skincare essentials to keep your skin well protected. This ensures that the water in the skin is sealed. 

The oil-based moisturizer is more effective than the water-based lotions. An oil-based moisturizer also ensures that the essential hydrating oils remain in your skin. 

Ensure you apply this moisturizer to your hands and feet as well, as these are the parts of your body with a lot of exposure to the elements. It is also important that you select the best moisturizer with just the right ingredients and chemicals; as always, pick an organic moisturizer to keep your skin smooth and glossy.

4.  Use A Good Humidifier

Another practical winter skincare tip is to get humidifiers for your home. During the winter season, the humidity is low, and this can also be reduced by the furnace used to provide warmth in the house. When the humidity is low, it may cause the skin to dry up and dry the nasal passages. 

The humidifiers will improve the home's humidity and ensure enough moisture in the air to keep the skin moisturized even while you sleep. The humidifiers guarantee that your skin retains its moisture instead of it being pulled out by the environment. 

If you can’t afford a humidifier, you can place a heat-safe bowl of water on your furnace. This means that as long as the furnace is on, the heat will cause the water to evaporate and the air is hence moisturized and friendly to your skin.  

5.  Don’t Stop Using a Sunscreen

Contrary to what you may have  assumed about sunscreen, one of the most important winter skincare essentials is that you should still apply SPF on your face and body even when the sky is gray. 

Using sunscreen is one of the ways to prevent premature aging and maintain a radiant complexion. Also, the skin is prone to sun damage even in winter. Do not be deceived by the dark and dreary days, the sun may not be blazing hot, but the sun’s UV rays can still pass through the clouds and cause harm to your skin. 

Before you step out, ensure to cover your face, neck, and hands. Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 protection. Also, do not forget to rub it on the body parts such as  such as the lips, back of the neck, the ears, and under the chin.

6.  Carefully Choose the Right Cleanser

During the winter season,use facial cleansers because the cold air outside can leave the skin very dry. To protect your skin, it is good you select the right facial cleanser with the right chemicals that would nourish the skin rather than damage it. 

Do not use facial cleansers that contain alcohol or any other added fragrances. These cleansers will eventually leave the skin dried and cracked and contribute to taking out the skin's moisture. Instead, wash with a fragrance-free, moisturizing cleanser or gel. 

Using little or no soap is the best skin care for the winter season. Some soaps contain chemicals that may dry up the skin. You should limit your lathering to just essential areas of the body like the armpits, genitals, hands, and feet.

7.  Choose Appropriate and Comfortable Clothes 

The winter season comes with the cold and dry wind that is, without a doubt, very harsh on the skin. The skin can quickly become dry due to the air's low humidity; hence, it is essential to wear clothes that will effectively cover sensitive areas of the body such as the neck, the hands, the ears, and the feet.

The material of your clothing should be made of a type of cloth that doesn’t irritate the skin. Wool and other rough clothes should not be allowed to touch the skin directly; they can cause dry skin to become itchy and irritated.

Also, ensure you take off wet clothes, gloves, and scarves as soon as possible. Wet clothes can easily irritate the skin and make it itchy. 

There are certain materials that you should consider wearing, which will not irritate your skin. Consider jackets, scarves, and gloves made from materials such as nylons. Keep your feet warm with synthetic fleece socks. The overlayer coat is essential to prevent the skin from being exposed to frigid air; the material doesn’t matter as long as there is no direct contact with the skin.

Final Words 

There are many ways to naturally take care of your  skin in the winter.; some of which include eating veggies such as cucumbers, oranges, and sweet potatoes.. Also, avoiding hot and long showers is an effective winter skincare tip.

Following the  winter skincare routines mentioned throughout this blog  provide practical methods for taking care of your skin during the winter season. 

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